Some unions are made in heaven, and this beautiful Scotch was created in Islay by marrying a Port-finished Bunnahabhain and malt matured in ex-Sherry casks, which is just showing off, honestly.
Bunnahabhain Aonadh is a limited-edition 10YO made back in February 2011. The unique concoction is creamy and rich, with notes of vanilla, oak, caramel, fruit, and just a hint of salt. Mouthwatering, eh? Oh, and it’s pronounced ‘Oon-ouch,’ and it means ‘union.’
1 of 14,088 bottles.
*This bottle is a collector’s item; we will not be able to entertain any refunds or exchanges.
**Individual orders are limited to one item per person, as we wish to allow everyone to participate.
***Any kind of transit damage is insured and will be reimbursed.
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